SShADoW is a standardized guiding tool that supports instructor-trainers, throughout the process of supervising (or shadowing) simulation and debriefing activities. As opposed to be a rating or assessment tool, its aim is to provide a guidance for a structured and standardized reflective conversation on the simulation experience.
Purpose and intended use
SShADoW is meant to be an overarching instrument and cognitive aid to reflect on simulation and debriefing activities.
The tool includes the most relevant aspects of a simulation activity, covering all phases (from scenario design to debriefing), through an integrative but flexible approach. SShADoW was primarily developed to be used during simulation instructor courses, although it is expected to be also applicable in longitudinal faculty development programs or as a self-development strategy.

SShADoW is sectionally structured, to be adaptable to a course program (e.g. allows focus on specific aspects or the overall activity, based on the learning objectives) or to individual learner needs (e.g. peer-feedback with previous agreement on the aspects to discuss).
It is compiled in 2-pages and includes diagrammatic representations of each section, for an easier interpretation and aplication.
SShADoW and the orientation guidelines
(download below)
About us
This tool was developed in a joint collaboration of EUSIM Faculty, from the following Institutions:
Carla Sá-Couto1, 5, Kai Kranz2, 5, Katharina Schulze-Oechtering3, 5, Hilde Hetland4, 5
- Faculty of Medicine of University of Porto, CINTESIS@RISE, Portugal
- SIRMED – Swiss Institute of Emergency Medicine, Switzerland
- UKM Trainingszentrum, Germany
- Stavanger University Hospital, SAFER, Norway
- On behalf of the EUSIM Group
Suggestions and comments are most welcome: More information about EUSIM group: